This VCC Community Repository is a neat collection of Presets made for Poiyomi Toon Shader, a widely popular Shader used in VRChat. You can use these to help further customize your Avatar to make it as good as you want it to be!
BluWizard's Presets
. Checkmark which one you like to preview. If you like it, hit “Apply” to use it in your Material.
More Presets will be added as time goes on with updates.
Other than that, hope these Presets help you out in your journey customizing your Avatar! If you have any questions with these Presets in particular, feel free to reach out to me in the Poiyomi Shaders Discord. My tag is @bluwizard10
Avatars Featured in image: Squeak Warrior by Emperor of Mars, Jerry Avali by Rai Kitamatsu, Hyenid by Alber.
2019.4 or later
No dependencies
No dependencies
No legacy packages