Using a VRC Constraint, it ensures that the attached PhysBone Collider (Plane) will remain on the Floor whenever you jump. This allows Tails to look more natural as you jump and move around the World.
or newer.1.980.0
or newer.BluWizard LABS - Dynamic VRC Floor Collider
Package to your project. It will automatically add the latest version of VRCFury for you as well, since it’s a vpmDependency. If necessary, this will also force an upgrade of the SDK to the minimum required version for this system to work.BluWizard LABS -> Add Dynamic Floor Collider to Avatar
from the Unity Menu Bar.Right-Click
on the Avatar in your Hierarchy and click BluWizard LABS -> Add Dynamic Floor Collider to Avatar
from the context menu.Floor
PhysBone Collider inside the Prefab. It’s located at Dynamic VRC Floor -> VRC World Constraint -> Container -> Floor
in the Hierarchy.The function is automatic! Whenever you “Jump” in-game, the VRChat Parameter Grounded
will change to false
, which triggers the Container to disable itself. This makes it lock the Floor Collider to where you jumped from. As it’s Freezed on the Y-axis, the Floor Collider will only travel with you on the X and Z axis in Unity. The Animator was carefully designed to ensure it activates instantly so that there’s no latency on each end.
It will continue to stay locked to the Ground until one of the following conditions are met:
VRC Parameter to change back to true
. This will reset it’s Axis to follow your Avatar again.VelocityY <= -4
. If this happens, the Floor Collider will reset itself to follow your Avatar again (preventing your Tail from looking weird when falling).Additionally, this Floor Collider adds a Toggle to your VRChat Menu. Find it under Blu's Add-ons/Floor Collider
in your VRChat Menu.
2022.3 or later
No dependencies
No legacy packages