A simple Unity editor tool for adding accessories to a VR Chat avatar.
Drag your clothing prefab into the Unity hierarchy at the base of your scene.
Open Tools
> SophieBlue
> AvatarDresser
from the menu bar. In the
AvatarDresser window, drag your avatar and the clothing prefab into the
appropriate places, then simply click Get Dressed!
You can also check the box for Create Animations
- this will create
appropriate enable/disable animations for your clothing item, add a layer to
your FX animator, and add a toggle to the selected menu.
A note about scaling - If the asset you are adding is not at the same scale as your avatar, you should adjust scaling before running the dresser, to be sure all armature components match properly.
For example, your avatar is at 1.25 scale but your asset is the standard 1 - in the inspector window of the asset’s root, set the x, y, and z scaling factors to match the avatar’s 1.25. Then you should be able to run the dresser and everything will match up fine.
There are several methods, pick only one:
Go to my VPM Repository and simply click
Add to VCC
next to the AvatarDresser package!
You can also use VRChat’s VPM tool! First add my VPM Repository
vpm add repo https://sophiebluevr.github.io/vpm/index.json
Then you can simply go to your project directory and type:
vpm add package io.github.sophiebluevr.avatardresser
While using VCC or VPM is the preferred method, you can also download the
unitypackage from the releases section in this repository (on the right over
there —> ) and then install the unitypackage the usual way, from the menu bar
in Unity, going to Assets
then Import Package
then Custom Package...
selecting the file.
AvatarDresser is available as-is under MIT. For more information see LICENSE.
This project was initially inspired by https://github.com/artieficial/ApplyAccessories . Lots of code reference thanks to https://github.com/VRLabs .
0.1.12 (変更履歴)
2019.4 以降