Animator As Code is a small Unity Editor facility to generate Avatars 3.0 Animator layers and animations from a fluent builder syntax written in C#.
Describing your animators as code provides the following advantages:
It is written with VRChat Avatars 3.0 use cases in mind; the API is opinionated to facilitate writing such animators in a concise way, hopefully requiring as little additional tweaking.
This is a work in progress, I am looking for feedback!
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There are currently no releases.
Clone the repository within a subfolder of your Unity project, or download the source code and install in any subfolder of your project.
The project can be located within Assets/AnimatorAsCodeFramework
but you can choose any location.
This example shows:
public class GenExample0_ToggleGo : MonoBehaviour
public VRCAvatarDescriptor avatar;
public AnimatorController assetContainer;
public string assetKey;
public GameObject item;
private void Create()
var my = (GenExample0_ToggleGo) target;
// The avatar is used here:
// - to find the FX playable layer animator, where a new layer will be created.
// - to resolve the relative animation path to the item.
// The generated animation files are stored in the asset container.
var aac = AacExample.AnimatorAsCode("Example 0", my.avatar, my.assetContainer, my.assetKey, AacExample.Options().WriteDefaultsOff());
// Create a layer in the FX animator.
// Additional layers can be created in the FX animator (see later in the manual).
var fx = aac.CreateMainFxLayer();
// The first created state is the default one connected to the "Entry" node.
// States are automatically placed on the grid (see later in the manual).
var hidden = fx.NewState("Hidden")
// Animation assets are generated as sub-assets of the asset container.
// The animation path to my.skinnedMesh is relative to my.avatar
.WithAnimation(aac.NewClip().Toggling(my.item, false));
var shown = fx.NewState("Shown")
.WithAnimation(aac.NewClip().Toggling(my.item, true));
// Creates a Bool parameter in the FX layer.
// Parameters are added to the Animator if a parameter with the same name
// does not exist yet.
var itemParam = fx.BoolParameter("EnableItem");
// Transitions are created with a set of default values
// That can be changed in the Generator settings (see later in the manual).
This example shows:
public class GenExample1_ToggleSmr : MonoBehaviour
public VRCAvatarDescriptor avatar;
public AnimatorController assetContainer;
public string assetKey;
public SkinnedMeshRenderer skinnedMesh;
private void Create()
var my = (GenExample1_ToggleSmr) target;
var aac = AacExample.AnimatorAsCode(SystemName, my.avatar, my.assetContainer, my.assetKey);
var fx = aac.CreateMainFxLayer();
var hidden = fx.NewState("Hidden")
// The runtime type of my.skinnedMesh is used within the animation.
// In this case, the "SkinnedMeshRenderer" component is disabled.
.WithAnimation(aac.NewClip().TogglingComponent(my.skinnedMesh, false));
var shown = fx.NewState("Shown")
.WithAnimation(aac.NewClip().TogglingComponent(my.skinnedMesh, true));
// This creates two Bool parameters in the animator.
// The resulting value can be used in conditions.
var accessoriesParams = fx.BoolParameters("EnableAccessories", "AccessoryThing");
// The following line creates one transition.
// The conditions are "EnableAccessories is true" and "AccessoryThing is true"
// The following line creates two transitions:
// - The first transition is "EnableAccessories is false"
// - The second transition is "AccessoryThing is false"
This example shows:
public class GenExample2_Animate : MonoBehaviour
public VRCAvatarDescriptor avatar;
public AnimatorController assetContainer;
public string assetKey;
public SkinnedMeshRenderer wedgeMesh;
private void Create()
var my = (GenExample2_Animate) target;
var aac = AacExample.AnimatorAsCode(SystemName, my.avatar, my.assetContainer, my.assetKey);
var fx = aac.CreateMainFxLayer();
.WithAnimation(aac.NewClip().Animating(clip =>
clip.Animates(my.wedgeMesh, "blendShape.Wedge").WithFrameCountUnit(keyframes =>
keyframes.Easing(0, 100f).Easing(28, 0).Easing(29, 0).Easing(30, 0).Easing(31, 0).Easing(32, 0).Easing(60, 100f)
clip.Animates(my.wedgeMesh, "material._Metallic").WithFrameCountUnit(keyframes =>
keyframes.Constant(0, 1f).Constant(28, 0).Constant(60, 0)
This example shows:
Driving parameters using VRC Parameter Driver behavior
VRChat Parameters
Creating systems with multiple FX layers
Complex transitions
Show code…
public class GenExample3_Gesturing : MonoBehaviour
public VRCAvatarDescriptor avatar;
public AnimatorController assetContainer;
public string assetKey;
public SkinnedMeshRenderer iconMesh;
private GenExample3_Gesturing my;
private AacFlBase aac;
private void Create()
my = (GenExample3_Gesturing) target;
aac = AacExample.AnimatorAsCode(SystemName, my.avatar, my.assetContainer, my.assetKey);
private void CreateMainLayer()
var layer = aac.CreateMainFxLayer();
var dirtyCheckParameter = layer.BoolParameter("AAC_INTERNAL_GesturingIcon_DirtyCheck");
// ### Create states
var lackOfChangeDetected = layer.NewState("Animate To NoChange")
// By default, states have an animation that animates a dummy object for 1 frame.
var noChange = layer.NewState("NoChange", 1, 0).RightOf();
var changeDetected = layer.NewState("Animate To Changing").Under()
// This creates a clip that animates a dummy object for 1.5f seconds.
var changing = layer.NewState("Changing", 0, 1).LeftOf()
.WithAnimation(aac.DummyClipLasting(1.5f, AacFlUnit.Seconds));
// When this state is entered, the parameter is driven to the value of false.
var stillChanging = layer.NewState("Still Changing", 0, 2).Under()
.Drives(dirtyCheckParameter, false);
// ------
// ### Create transitions
// The transition duration is 30% of the animation duration.
// By using AfterAnimationFinishes, the transition will trigger after the animation
// for the icon appearing finishes.
// By using AfterAnimationFinishes, the transition will trigger after 1.5 seconds,
// which is the length of the animation in Changing.
// The transition will immediately happen upon entering, by using Exit time set to 0.
private void CreateSupportingLayer()
// Create an additional FX layer.
var layer = aac.CreateSupportingFxLayer("Detection");
var reevaluating = layer.NewState("Reevaluating", -1, 0);
foreach (var left in Enumerable.Range(0, 8))
foreach (var right in Enumerable.Range(0, 8))
var state = layer.NewState($"Gesture {left} {right}", left, right)
// When this state is entered, the parameter is driven to the value of true.
.Drives(layer.BoolParameter("AAC_INTERNAL_GesturingIcon_DirtyCheck"), true);
// Use ".Av3" to access VRChat standard parameters.
// Accessing these parameters will create the corresponding parameter in the animator.
private AacFlClip IconAppears()
return aac.NewClip().Animating(clip =>
clip.Animates(my.iconMesh, "blendShape.Wedge")
.WithFrameCountUnit(keyframes => keyframes.Easing(0, 0f).Easing(10, 100f));
private AacFlClip IconDisappears()
return aac.NewClip().Animating(clip =>
clip.Animates(my.iconMesh, "blendShape.Wedge")
.WithFrameCountUnit(keyframes => keyframes.Easing(0f, 100f).Easing(10, 0f));
Animator As Code is generally used in the following steps:
In order to use Animator As Code (AAC), first, declare it with a configuration.
The AAC configuration requires the following:
.To declare it:
string systemName;
VRCAvatarDescriptor avatar;
AnimatorController assetContainer;
string assetKey;
var aac = AacV0.Create(new AacConfiguration
SystemName = systemName,
AvatarDescriptor = avatar,
AnimatorRoot = avatar.transform,
DefaultValueRoot = avatar.transform,
AssetContainer = assetContainer,
AssetKey = assetKey,
DefaultsProvider = new AacDefaultsProvider(writeDefaults: false)
// Remove all previously generated assets from the asset container
// that match the asset key.
Using AAC, create layers in your animators. A system can have multiple layers across animators.
There is one main layer, and multiple supporting layers, per animator.
You are in no obligation to create a main layer. If you think several layers of the same animators are of equal importance, you can declare them as being supporting layers.
var fx = aac.CreateMainFxLayer();
var detection = aac.CreateSupportingFxLayer("Detection");
Using your layer, you may now create states. Your state will be configured with defaults based on your AAC configuration, most notably, the Write Defaults setting.
By default, states have a dummy animation that lasts one frame (1/60th of a second).
It is intended to create the animation clip directly while declaring the state, this will be explained later on.
var hidden = fx.NewState("Hidden")
.WithAnimation(aac.NewClip().Toggling(my.item, false));
Using your layer, you can create parameters.
The parameter will be added to the animator the layer belongs to.
If you need to reuse a parameter across multiple layers, you need to invoke it on all relevant layers.
(Once done, you are not forced to reuse the resulting parameter instance on the same layer it was created from)
// This creates a Float parameter on the FX layer.
// ...
If a parameter with the same name already exists in the animator, it will not be created again.
This is also true if the animator already has a parameter with the same name but with a different type, and no error will be raised.
There are also dedicated functions to obtain Avatars 3.0 parameters, such as.
var gestureLeftWeight = fx.Av3().GestureLeftWeight
In some rare cases you may wish to override the default value of animator parameters, for example in use for special conditions, for use in blend trees as a constant value.
Using your layer:
fx.OverrideValue(fx.FloatParameter("SmoothingAmount"), 0.7f)
By default, a newly created state will be visually placed under the previously created state.
For more control, states have LeftOf
, RightOf
, Over
, Under
, Shift
operators, which let you move a state to be visually next to another state.
The value is in grid units.
var init = fx.NewState("Init"); // This is the first state. By default it is at (0, 0)
var a = fx.NewState("A"); // This will be placed under Init.
var b = fx.NewState("B"); // This will be placed under A.
var c = fx.NewState("C").RightOf(a); // This will be placed right of A.
var d = fx.NewState("D"); // This will be placed under C.
var e = fx.NewState("E").RightOf(); // This will be placed right of D.
var alternate = fx.NewState("Alternate").Over(c); // This will be placed over C.
// This will be placed relative to Alternate: 2 blocks over, and 1 to the right.
var reset = fx.NewState("Reset").Shift(alternate, 1, -2);
By default, states have a dummy animation that lasts one frame (1/60th of a second). If you want the state to play an animation of your choice, there is usually an invocation to the .WithAnimation(...)
var hidden = fx.NewState("Hidden")
.WithAnimation(aac.NewClip().Toggling(my.item, false));
The invocation uses AAC to create a new clip inside the asset container. You don’t need to specify a name for this clip, it is irrelevant.
Animations use object references instead of paths. They are converted to paths in the animation clip asset by resolving the relative path to the animator root of the AAC configuration.
Most of the functions lets you create single-frame constant animations.
For more complex animations, use the .Animating(...)
.WithAnimation(aac.NewClip().Animating(clip =>
clip.Animates(my.wedgeMesh, "blendShape.Wedge").WithFrameCountUnit(keyframes =>
keyframes.Easing(0, 100f).Easing(28, 0).Easing(29, 0).Easing(30, 0).Easing(31, 0).Easing(32, 0).Easing(60, 100f)
clip.Animates(my.wedgeMesh, "material._Metallic").WithFrameCountUnit(keyframes =>
keyframes.Constant(0, 1f).Constant(28, 0).Constant(60, 0)
Using the states, you can create transitions between states. Your transition will be configured with defaults based on your AAC configuration, defined within the DefaultsProvider.
To create a transition from Any, Exit, or Entry, there are some functions in the states like .TransitionsFromAny()
or .Exits()
Start defining conditions for that transition using the .When(...)
Parameters have functions that generate conditions once invoked.
// Use ".Av3" to access VRChat standard parameters.
// Accessing these parameters will create the corresponding parameter in the animator.
In animator transitions, all conditions must be verified for the transition to occur; this is effectively a “AND” of all of the conditions (A && B && C).
This is done by using the .And(...)
operator: .When(A).And(B).And(C)
To represent “OR”, new transitions need to be created; ((A && B && C) || (D && E)) results in:
This is done by using the .Or(...)
operator: .When(A).And(B).And(C).Or().When(D).And(E)
From this limitation, conditions with nested OR cannot be expressed easily, such as:
Some conditions generate multiple transitions, such as boolParameters.IsAnyFalse()
In order to still let you express these expressions easily, the following applies:
operator, and not within a .And(...)
will apply the condition to all transitions generated by the .When(...)
operator up until the next Or(...)
operator if any exists.
.When(fx.BoolParameters(I, J).IsAnyFalse()).And(K.IsTrue())
loopThe presence of the .When(...)
operator can make it difficult to build conditions iteratively in a for
For this purpose, use the .WhenConditions()
operator. This will let you build conditions using the .And(...)
var conditions = state.TransitionsFromEntry().WhenConditions();
for (var i = 0; i < numberOfBits; i++)
loopThere is no facility to create multiple identical transitions from multiple states to another state.
Use a regular foreach
loop to achieve this.
foreach (var cancelWhenNotAllowed in new[] {auto, reverse, manual, custom, done})
static AacFlBase Create(AacConfiguration configuration)
/// Create an Animator As Code (AAC) base.AacFlClip NewClip()
/// Create a new clip. The asset is generated into the container.AacFlClip CopyClip(AnimationClip originalClip)
/// Create a new clip that is a copy of originalClip
. The asset is generated into the container.BlendTree NewBlendTreeAsRaw()
/// Create a new BlendTree asset. The asset is generated into the container.AacFlClip NewClip(string name)
/// Create a new clip with a name. However, the name is only used as a suffix for the asset. The asset is generated into the container. FIXME: This is quite pointless because the name is mangled anyways.AacFlClip DummyClipLasting(float numberOf, AacFlUnit unit)
/// Create a new clip which animates a dummy transform for a specific duration specified in an unit (Frames or Seconds).void RemoveAllMainLayers()
/// Remove all main layers matching that system from all animators of the Avatar descriptor.void RemoveAllSupportingLayers(string suffix)
/// Remove all supporting layers matching that system and suffix from all animators of the Avatar descriptor.AacFlLayer CreateMainFxLayer()
/// Create the main Fx layer of that system, clearing the previous one of the same system. You are not obligated to have a main layer.AacFlLayer CreateMainGestureLayer()
/// Create the main Gesture layer of that system, clearing the previous one of the same system. You are not obligated to have a main layer.AacFlLayer CreateMainActionLayer()
/// Create the main Action layer of that system, clearing the previous one of the same system. You are not obligated to have a main layer.AacFlLayer CreateMainIdleLayer()
/// Create the main Idle layer of that system, clearing the previous one of the same system. You are not obligated to have a main layer.AacFlLayer CreateMainLocomotionLayer()
/// Create the main Locomotion layer of that system, clearing the previous one of the same system. You are not obligated to have a main layer.AacFlLayer CreateMainAv3Layer(VRCAvatarDescriptor.AnimLayerType animLayerType)
/// Create the main layer of that system for a specific type of layer, clearing the previous one of the same system. You are not obligated to have a main layer.AacFlLayer CreateSupportingFxLayer(string suffix)
/// Create a supporting Fx layer for that system and suffix, clearing the previous one of the same system and suffix. You can create multiple supporting layers with different suffixes, and you are not obligated to have a main layer to create a supporting layer.AacFlLayer CreateSupportingGestureLayer(string suffix)
/// Create a supporting Gesture layer for that system and suffix, clearing the previous one of the same system and suffix. You can create multiple supporting layers with different suffixes, and you are not obligated to have a main layer to create a supporting layer.AacFlLayer CreateSupportingActionLayer(string suffix)
/// Create a supporting Action layer for that system and suffix, clearing the previous one of the same system and suffix. You can create multiple supporting layers with different suffixes, and you are not obligated to have a main layer to create a supporting layer.AacFlLayer CreateSupportingIdleLayer(string suffix)
/// Create a supporting Idle layer for that system and suffix, clearing the previous one of the same system and suffix. You can create multiple supporting layers with different suffixes, and you are not obligated to have a main layer to create a supporting layer.AacFlLayer CreateSupportingLocomotionLayer(string suffix)
/// Create a supporting Locomotion layer for that system and suffix, clearing the previous one of the same system and suffix. You can create multiple supporting layers with different suffixes, and you are not obligated to have a main layer to create a supporting layer.AacFlLayer CreateSupportingAv3Layer(VRCAvatarDescriptor.AnimLayerType animLayerType, string suffix)
/// Create a supporting layer for that system and suffix, clearing the previous one of the same system and suffix. You can create multiple supporting layers with different suffixes, and you are not obligated to have a main layer to create a supporting layer.AacFlLayer CreateMainArbitraryControllerLayer(AnimatorController controller)
/// Create a main layer for an arbitrary AnimatorController, clearing the previous one of the same system. You are not obligated to have a main layer.AacFlLayer CreateSupportingArbitraryControllerLayer(AnimatorController controller, string suffix)
/// Create a supporting layer for an arbitrary AnimatorController, clearing the previous one of the same system and suffix. You can create multiple supporting layers with different suffixes, and you are not obligated to have a main layer to create a supporting layer.AacFlLayer CreateFirstArbitraryControllerLayer(AnimatorController controller)
/// Clears the topmost layer of an arbitrary AnimatorController, and returns it.AacVrcAssetLibrary VrcAssets()
/// Return an AacVrcAssetLibrary, which lets you select various assets from VRChat.void ClearPreviousAssets()
/// Removes all assets from the asset container matching the specified asset key.AacFlState NewState(string name)
/// Create a new state, initially positioned below the last generated state of this layer.AacFlState NewState(string name, int x, int y)
/// Create a new state at a specific position x
and y
, in grid units. The grid size is defined in the DefaultsProvider of the AacConfiguration of AAC. x
positive goes right, y
positive goes down.AacFlTransition AnyTransitionsTo(AacFlState destination)
/// Create a transition from Any to the destination
state.AacFlEntryTransition EntryTransitionsTo(AacFlState destination)
/// Create a transition from the Entry to the destination
state.AacFlBoolParameter BoolParameter(string parameterName)
/// Create a Bool parameter in the animator.AacFlBoolParameter TriggerParameterAsBool(string parameterName)
/// Create a Trigger parameter in the animator, but returns a Bool parameter for use in AAC.AacFlFloatParameter FloatParameter(string parameterName)
/// Create a Float parameter in the animator.AacFlIntParameter IntParameter(string parameterName)
/// Create an Int parameter in the animator.AacFlBoolParameterGroup BoolParameters(params string[] parameterNames)
/// Create multiple Bool parameters in the animator, and returns a group of multiple Bools.AacFlBoolParameterGroup TriggerParametersAsBools(params string[] parameterNames)
/// Create multiple Trigger parameters in the animator, but returns a group of multiple Bools for use in AAC.AacFlFloatParameterGroup FloatParameters(params string[] parameterNames)
/// Create multiple Float parameters in the animator, and returns a group of multiple Bools.AacFlIntParameterGroup IntParameters(params string[] parameterNames)
/// Create multiple Int parameters in the animator, and returns a group of multiple Bools.AacFlBoolParameterGroup BoolParameters(params AacFlBoolParameter[] parameters)
/// Combine multiple Int parameters into a group.AacFlBoolParameterGroup TriggerParametersAsBools(params AacFlBoolParameter[] parameters)
/// Combine multiple Trigger parameters into a group. FIXME: This is a pointless function because BoolParameters already exists.AacFlFloatParameterGroup FloatParameters(params AacFlFloatParameter[] parameters)
/// Combine multiple Int parameters into a group.AacFlIntParameterGroup IntParameters(params AacFlIntParameter[] parameters)
/// Combine multiple Int parameters into a group.AacAv3 Av3()
/// Return an AacAv3 object, letting you select various standard Avatars 3.0 Animator Parameters. Subsequently invoking its functions will create invoked parameters in that layer.void OverrideValue(AacFlBoolParameter toBeForced, bool value)
/// Set the Bool value of toBeForced
parameter to value
in the animator.void OverrideValue(AacFlFloatParameter toBeForced, float value)
/// Set the Float value of toBeForced
parameter to value
in the animator.void OverrideValue(AacFlIntParameter toBeForced, int value)
/// Set the Int value of toBeForced
parameter to value
in the animator.AacFlLayer WithAvatarMask(AvatarMask avatarMask)
/// Set the Avatar Mask of the layer.void WithAvatarMaskNoTransforms()
/// Set the Avatar Mask of the layer to be an Avatar Mask which denies all transforms. The asset is generated into the container.void ResolveAvatarMask(Transform[] paths)
/// Set the Avatar Mask of the layer to be an Avatar Mask that allows the specified transforms. If paths
is an empty array, all transforms are denied, which is effectively the same as calling .WithAvatarMaskNoTransforms()
. The asset is generated into the container.AacFlBoolParameter IsLocal
-> Bool /// Create a Bool parameter in the animator named IsLocal.AacFlEnumIntParameter<Av3Viseme> Viseme
/// Create an Int parameter in the animator named Viseme.AacFlEnumIntParameter<Av3Gesture> GestureLeft
/// Create an Int parameter in the animator named GestureLeft.AacFlEnumIntParameter<Av3Gesture> GestureRight
/// Create an Int parameter in the animator named GestureRight.AacFlFloatParameter GestureLeftWeight
-> Float /// Create a Float parameter in the animator named GestureLeftWeight.AacFlFloatParameter GestureRightWeight
-> Float /// Create a Float parameter in the animator named GestureRightWeight.AacFlFloatParameter AngularY
-> Float /// Create a Float parameter in the animator named AngularY.AacFlFloatParameter VelocityX
-> Float /// Create a Float parameter in the animator named VelocityX.AacFlFloatParameter VelocityY
-> Float /// Create a Float parameter in the animator named VelocityY.AacFlFloatParameter VelocityZ
-> Float /// Create a Float parameter in the animator named VelocityZ.AacFlFloatParameter Upright
-> Float /// Create a Float parameter in the animator named Upright.AacFlBoolParameter Grounded
-> Bool /// Create a Bool parameter in the animator named Grounded.AacFlBoolParameter Seated
-> Bool /// Create a Bool parameter in the animator named Seated.AacFlBoolParameter AFK
-> Bool /// Create a Bool parameter in the animator named AFK.AacFlIntParameter TrackingType
-> Int /// Create an Int parameter in the animator named TrackingType.AacFlIntParameter VRMode
-> Int /// Create an Int parameter in the animator named VRMode.AacFlBoolParameter MuteSelf
-> Bool /// Create a Bool parameter in the animator named MuteSelf.AacFlBoolParameter InStation
-> Bool /// Create a Bool parameter in the animator named InStation.AacFlFloatParameter Voice
-> Float /// Create a Float parameter in the animator named Voice.IAacFlCondition ItIsRemote()
/// Verify that IsLocal is false. Create a Bool parameter in the animator named IsLocal.IAacFlCondition ItIsLocal()
/// Verify that IsLocal is true. Create a Bool parameter in the animator named IsLocal.AvatarMask LeftHandAvatarMask()
/// Left Hand avatar mask asset.AvatarMask RightHandAvatarMask()
/// Right Hand avatar mask asset.AnimationClip ProxyForGesture(AacAv3.Av3Gesture gesture, bool masculine)
/// Gesture proxy animation asset. There are two idle animations for the neutral hand, the bool selects one or the other.AnimatorState State;
/// Expose the underlying State object.AacFlState LeftOf(AacFlState otherState)
/// Move the state to be left of the other state in the graph.AacFlState RightOf(AacFlState otherState)
/// Move the state to be right of the other state in the graph.AacFlState Over(AacFlState otherState)
/// Move the state to be over the other state in the graph.AacFlState Under(AacFlState otherState)
/// Move the state to be under the other state in the graph.AacFlState LeftOf()
/// Move the state to be left of the last created state of the state machine this belongs to in the graph.AacFlState RightOf()
/// Move the state to be right of the last created state of the state machine this belongs to in the graph.AacFlState Over()
/// Move the state to be over the last created state of the state machine this belongs to in the graph.AacFlState Under()
/// Move the state to be under the last created state of the state machine this belongs to in the graph.AacFlState Shift(AacFlState otherState, int shiftX, int shiftY)
/// Move the state to be shifted next to the other state in the graph, in grid units. shiftX
positive goes right, shiftY
positive goes down.AacFlState Shift(Vector3 otherPosition, int shiftX, int shiftY)
/// Move the state to be shifted next to another position in the graph, in grid units. shiftX
positive goes right, shiftY
positive goes down. // FIXME: Vector3 is really odd as a type.AacFlState WithAnimation(Motion clip)
/// Set a specific raw Motion for the state. This could be a blend tree.AacFlState WithAnimation(AacFlClip clip)
/// Set a specific clip for the state. See (AacFlBase).NewClip()
and similar.AacFlState MotionTime(AacFlFloatParameter floatParam)
/// Set the Motion Time, formerly known as Normalized Time.AacFlState WithSpeed(AacFlFloatParameter parameter)
/// Set the Speed.AacFlState WithWriteDefaultsSetTo(bool shouldWriteDefaults)
/// Set Write Defaults. If you need to do this to many states, consider changing the AacConfiguration DefaultsProvider when creating Animator As Code.AacFlTransition TransitionsTo(AacFlState destination)
/// Create a new transition from this state to the destination state.AacFlTransition TransitionsFromAny()
/// Create a new transition from Any to this state.AacFlEntryTransition TransitionsFromEntry()
/// Create a new transition from Entry to this state. Note that the first created state is the default state, so generally this function does not need to be invoked onto the first created state. Calling this function will not define this state to be the default state.AacFlState AutomaticallyMovesTo(AacFlState destination)
/// Create a transition with no exit time to the destination state, and does not return the transition.AacFlTransition Exits()
/// Create a transition from this state to the exit.AacFlState Drives(AacFlIntParameter parameter, int value)
/// Drive the Int parameter to value. Create an Avatar Parameter Driver state behaviour if it does not exist.AacFlState Drives(AacFlFloatParameter parameter, float value)
/// Drive the Float parameter to value. Create an Avatar Parameter Driver state behaviour if it does not exist.AacFlState DrivingIncreases(AacFlFloatParameter parameter, float additiveValue)
/// Drive the Float parameter, incrementing it by additiveValue
. Create an Avatar Parameter Driver state behaviour if it does not exist.AacFlState DrivingDecreases(AacFlFloatParameter parameter, float positiveValueToDecreaseBy)
/// Drive the Float parameter, decreasing it by the amount of positiveValueToDecreaseBy
. Create an Avatar Parameter Driver state behaviour if it does not exist.AacFlState DrivingIncreases(AacFlIntParameter parameter, int additiveValue)
/// Drive the Int parameter, incrementing it by additiveValue
. Create an Avatar Parameter Driver state behaviour if it does not exist.AacFlState DrivingDecreases(AacFlIntParameter parameter, int positiveValueToDecreaseBy)
/// Drive the Int parameter, decreasing it by the amount of positiveValueToDecreaseBy
. Create an Avatar Parameter Driver state behaviour if it does not exist.AacFlState DrivingRandomizesLocally(AacFlFloatParameter parameter, float min, float max)
/// Drive the Float parameter value to be random between min and max. Set the driver to be Local only. Create an Avatar Parameter Driver state behaviour if it does not exist.AacFlState DrivingRandomizesLocally(AacFlIntParameter parameter, int min, int max)
/// Drive the Int parameter value to be random between min and max. Set the driver to be Local only. Create an Avatar Parameter Driver state behaviour if it does not exist.AacFlState DrivingRandomizesLocally(AacFlBoolParameter parameter, float chance)
/// Drive the Bool parameter value to be random with the specified chance of being true. Set the driver to be Local only. Create an Avatar Parameter Driver state behaviour if it does not exist.AacFlState Drives(AacFlBoolParameter parameter, bool value)
/// Drive the Bool parameter to value. Create an Avatar Parameter Driver state behaviour if it does not exist.AacFlState Drives(AacFlBoolParameterGroup parameters, bool value)
/// Drive the Bool parameter to value. Create an Avatar Parameter Driver state behaviour if it does not exist.AacFlState DrivingLocally()
/// Set the driver to be Local only. Create an Avatar Parameter Driver state behaviour if it does not exist.AacFlState PrintsToLogUsingTrackingBehaviour(string value)
/// Use an Animator Tracking Control to print logs to the avatar wearer. Create an Animator Tracking Control state behaviour if it does not exist.AacFlState TrackingTracks(TrackingElement element)
/// Use an Animator Tracking Control to set the element to be tracking. Create an Animator Tracking Control state behaviour if it does not exist.AacFlState TrackingAnimates(TrackingElement element)
/// Use an Animator Tracking Control to set the element to be animating. Create an Animator Tracking Control state behaviour if it does not exist.AacFlState TrackingSets(TrackingElement element, VRC_AnimatorTrackingControl.TrackingType trackingType)
/// Use an Animator Tracking Control to set the element to be the value of trackingType
. Create an Animator Tracking Control state behaviour if it does not exist.AacFlState LocomotionEnabled()
/// Enable locomotion. Create an Animator Locomotion Control if it does not exist.AacFlState LocomotionDisabled()
/// Disable locomotion. Create an Animator Locomotion Control if it does not exist.AnimationClip Clip;
/// Expose the underlying Clip object.AacFlClip Looping()
/// Set the clip to be looping.AacFlClip NonLooping()
/// Set the clip to be non-looping.AacFlClip Toggling(GameObject[] gameObjectsWithNulls, bool value)
/// Enable or disable GameObjects. This lasts one frame. The array can safely contain null values.AacFlClip BlendShape(SkinnedMeshRenderer renderer, string blendShapeName, float value)
/// Change a blendShape of a skinned mesh. This lasts one frame.AacFlClip BlendShape(SkinnedMeshRenderer[] rendererWithNulls, string blendShapeName, float value)
/// Change a blendShape of multiple skinned meshes. This lasts one frame. The array can safely contain null values.AacFlClip Scaling(GameObject[] gameObjectsWithNulls, Vector3 scale)
/// Scale GameObjects. This lasts one frame. The array can safely contain null values. // FIXME: This is weird, this should be a Transform array, and also this needs a single-object overload.AacFlClip Toggling(GameObject gameObject, bool value)
/// Enable or disable a GameObject. This lasts one frame.AacFlClip TogglingComponent(Component[] componentsWithNulls, bool value)
/// Toggle several components. This lasts one frame. The runtime type of each individual component will be used. The array can safely contain null values.AacFlClip TogglingComponent(Component component, bool value)
/// Toggle a component. This lasts one frame. The runtime type of the component will be used.AacFlClip SwappingMaterial(Renderer renderer, int slot, Material material)
/// Swap a material of a Renderer on the specified slot (indexed at 0). This lasts one frame.AacFlClip SwappingMaterial(ParticleSystem particleSystem, int slot, Material material)
/// Swap a material of a Particle System on the specified slot (indexed at 0). This lasts one frame. This effectively takes the ParticleSystemRenderer of the component.AacFlClip Animating(Action<AacFlEditClip> action)
/// Start editing the clip with a lambda expression.AnimationClip Clip;
/// Expose the underlying Clip object.
AacFlSettingCurve Animates(string path, Type type, string propertyName)
/// Animates a path the traditional way.
AacFlSettingCurve Animates(Transform transform, Type type, string propertyName)
/// Animates an object in the hierarchy relative to the animator root, the traditional way.
AacFlSettingCurve Animates(GameObject gameObject)
/// Animates the active property of a GameObject, toggling it.
AacFlSettingCurve Animates(Component anyComponent, string property)
/// Animates the enabled property of a component, toggling it. The runtime type of the component will be used.
AacFlSettingCurve Animates(Component[] anyComponents, string property)
/// Animates the enabled property of several components, toggling them. The runtime type of the component will be used. // FIXME: Safety is not provived on nulls. It should probably be, for convenience.
AacFlSettingCurve AnimatesAnimator(AacFlParameter floatParameter)
/// Animates a Float parameter of the animator (may sometimes be referred to as an Animated Animator Parameter, or AAP).
AacFlSettingCurveColor AnimatesColor(Component anyComponent, string property)
/// Animates a color property of a component. The runtime type of the component will be used.
AacFlSettingCurveColor AnimatesColor(Component[] anyComponents, string property)
/// Animates a color property of several components. The runtime type of the component will be used. // FIXME: Safety is not provived on nulls. It should probably be, for convenience.
EditorCurveBinding BindingFromComponent(Component anyComponent, string propertyName)
/// Returns an EditorCurveBinding of a component, relative to the animator root. The runtime type of the component will be used. This is meant to be used in conjunction with traditional animation APIs.
void WithOneFrame(float desiredValue)
/// Define the curve to be exactly one frame by defining two constant keyframes, usually lasting 1/60th of a second, with the desired value.void WithFixedSeconds(float seconds, float desiredValue)
/// Define the curve to last a specific amount of seconds by defining two constant keyframes, with the desired value.void WithSecondsUnit(Action<AacFlSettingKeyframes> action)
/// Start defining the keyframes with a lambda expression, expressing the unit to be in seconds.void WithFrameCountUnit(Action<AacFlSettingKeyframes> action)
/// Start defining the keyframes with a lambda expression, expressing the unit in frames.void WithUnit(AacFlUnit unit, Action<AacFlSettingKeyframes> action)
/// Start defining the keyframes with a lambda expression, expressing the unit.void WithOneFrame(Color desiredValue)
/// Define the curve to be exactly one frame by defining two constant keyframes, usually lasting 1/60th of a second, with the desired color value.void WithKeyframes(AacFlUnit unit, Action<AacFlSettingKeyframesColor> action)
/// Start defining the keyframes with a lambda expression, expressing the unit.AacFlSettingKeyframes Easing(float timeInUnit, float value)
/// Create a curved spline keyframe. The unit is defined by the function that invokes this lambda expression.AacFlSettingKeyframes Linear(float timeInUnit, float value)
/// Create a linear keyframe. The unit is defined by the function that invokes this lambda expression.AacFlSettingKeyframes Constant(float timeInUnit, float value)
/// Create a constant keyframe. The unit is defined by the function that invokes this lambda expression.AacFlSettingKeyframesColor Easing(int frame, Color value)
/// Create a curved spline keyframe. The unit is defined by the function that invokes this lambda expression.AacFlSettingKeyframesColor Linear(float frame, Color value)
/// Create a linear keyframe. The unit is defined by the function that invokes this lambda expression.AacFlSettingKeyframesColor Constant(int frame, Color value)
/// Create a constant keyframe. The unit is defined by the function that invokes this lambda expression.AnimatorTransitionBase Transition;
/// Expose the underlying Transition object (from AacFlNewTransitionContinuation).
AacFlTransition WithSourceInterruption()
/// Set interruption source to be Source. // FIXME: Clunky interface.AacFlTransition WithTransitionDurationSeconds(float transitionDuration)
/// Set a fixed transition duration in seconds.AacFlTransition WithTransitionDurationPercent(float transitionDurationNormalized)
/// Set a non-fixed transition duration in a normalized amount. // FIXME: Percent is a misnomer.AacFlTransition WithOrderedInterruption()
/// Enable ordered interruption.AacFlTransition WithNoOrderedInterruption()
/// Disable ordered interruption.AacFlTransition WithTransitionToSelf()
/// Enable transition to self.AacFlTransition WithNoTransitionToSelf()
/// Disable transition to self.AacFlTransition AfterAnimationFinishes()
/// Set an exit time at 1, where the animation finishes.AacFlTransition AfterAnimationIsAtLeastAtPercent(float exitTimeNormalized)
/// Set the exit time at a specific normalized amount. // FIXME: Percent is a misnomer.AacFlTransitionContinuation When(IAacFlCondition action)
/// Start defining conditions.AacFlMultiTransitionContinuation When(IAacFlOrCondition actionsWithOr)
/// Start defining conditions from a condition which may generate multiple transitions. Any And operator subsequently invoked as a result will apply to all transitions that would be generated by that condition, until the Or operator, if any.AacFlTransitionContinuation When(Action<AacFlTransitionContinuationWithoutOr> actionsWithoutOr)
/// Start defining conditions using a lambda expression that cannot contain Or operators.AacFlTransitionContinuationOnlyOr When(Action<AacFlNewTransitionContinuation> actionsWithOr)
/// Start defining conditions using a lambda expression that can contain Or operators, however the next operator, if any, must be Or.AacFlTransitionContinuation WhenConditions()
/// Provides an handle to start defining conditions using the And operator, for use in loops. The Or operator may be invoked at any point.AacFlTransitionContinuation And(IAacFlCondition action)
/// Add another condition to this transition. A transition requires all of its conditions to pass.AacFlTransitionContinuation And(Action<AacFlTransitionContinuationWithoutOr> actionsWithoutOr)
/// Add another condition to this transition. A transition requires all of its conditions to pass.AacFlMultiTransitionContinuation And(IAacFlCondition action)
/// Add another condition to all of the transitions generated by the previous conditions since the last When operator invocation. A transition requires all of its conditions to pass.AacFlMultiTransitionContinuation And(Action<AacFlTransitionContinuationWithoutOr> actionsWithoutOr)
/// Add another condition to all of the transitions generated by the previous conditions since the last When operator invocation. A transition requires all of its conditions to pass.AacFlNewTransitionContinuation Or()
/// Creates a single new transition, copying the attributes of the one this was invoked on. This has no conditions yet, so invoking a When operator immediately after this is expected here.AacFlTransitionContinuationWithoutOr And(IAacFlCondition action)
/// Add another condition to this transition. A transition requires all of its conditions to pass.AacFlTransitionContinuationWithoutOr AndWhenever(Action<AacFlTransitionContinuationWithoutOr> action)
/// Add additional conditions using a lambda expression that cannot contain Or operators. A transition requires all of its conditions to pass.IsGreaterThan(float other)
/// Float is greater than other
; be mindful of minifloat imprecision over the network.IsLessThan(float other)
/// Float is less than other
; be mindful of minifloat imprecision over the network.IsGreaterThan(int other)
/// Int is strictly greater than other
IsLessThan(int other)
/// Int is strictly less than other
IsEqualTo(int other)
/// Int is equal to other
IsNotEqualTo(int other)
/// Int is not equal to other
IsEqualTo(TEnum other)
/// Int is not equal to (int)other
IsNotEqualTo(TEnum other)
/// Int is equal to (int)other
IsGreaterThan(int other)
/// (inherited from AacFlIntParameter) Int is strictly greater than other
IsLessThan(int other)
/// (inherited from AacFlIntParameter) Int is strictly less than other
IsEqualTo(int other)
/// (inherited from AacFlIntParameter)IsNotEqualTo(int other)
/// (inherited from AacFlIntParameter)IsTrue()
/// Bool is trueIsFalse()
/// Bool is falseIsEqualTo(bool other)
/// Bool is equal to other
IsNotEqualTo(bool other)
/// Bool is not equal to other
AreGreaterThan(float other)
/// All of the Floats are greater than other
; be mindful of minifloat imprecision over the network.AreLessThan(float other)
/// All of the Floats are less than other
; be mindful of minifloat imprecision over the network.AreGreaterThan(float other)
/// All of the Ints are strictly greater than other
AreLessThan(float other)
/// All of the Ints are strictly less than other
AreEqualTo(float other)
/// All of the Ints are equal to other
AreNotEqualTo(float other)
/// All of the Ints are not equal to other
/// All of the Bools are trueAreFalse()
/// All of the Bools are falseAreEqualTo(bool other)
/// All of the Bools are equal to other
AreFalseExcept(AacFlBoolParameter exceptThisMustBeTrue)
/// All of the Bools except exceptThisMustBeTrue
are false, and the Bool of exceptThisMustBeTrue
must be true.AreFalseExcept(params AacFlBoolParameter[] exceptTheseMustBeTrue)
/// All of the Bools except those in exceptTheseMustBeTrue
are false, and all of the Bools in exceptTheseMustBeTrue
must be true.AreFalseExcept(AacFlBoolParameterGroup exceptTheseMustBeTrue)
/// All of the Bools except those in exceptTheseMustBeTrue
are false, and all of the Bools in exceptTheseMustBeTrue
must be true.AreTrueExcept(AacFlBoolParameter exceptThisMustBeFalse)
/// All of the Bools except exceptThisMustBeTrue
are true, and the Bool of exceptThisMustBeTrue
must be false.AreTrueExcept(params AacFlBoolParameter[] exceptTheseMustBeFalse)
/// All of the Bools except those in exceptTheseMustBeTrue
are true, and all of the Bools in exceptTheseMustBeTrue
must be false.AreTrueExcept(AacFlBoolParameterGroup exceptTheseMustBeFalse)
/// All of the Bools except those in exceptTheseMustBeTrue
are true, and all of the Bools in exceptTheseMustBeTrue
must be false.IsAnyTrue()
-> returns IAacFlOrCondition
, can only be used inside .When(...)
/// Generates multiple transitions, verifying whether any Bool is trueIsAnyFalse()
-> returns IAacFlOrCondition
, can only be used inside .When(...)
/// Generates multiple transitions, verifying whether any Bool is falsehai.animatorascode.pi
2019.4 以降