VRCSDK+ provides alternative custom inspectors to the native VRCSDK expression menu and parameters for better functionality and quality of life features.
VRCSDK+ does not require a VRC+ subscription.
You can revert to original editors using the context menu of the respective object.
VRCSDK+ currently provides the following:
- Dropdown of parameters available in playable controllers to select easily
- Ability to add parameters to playable controllers from the editor
- Warnings and Cleanup to make sure all parameters are valid.
- Ability to merge two expression parameters
- Re-orderable list with easy deletion
- Dynamic, Clean and compact UI
- Menu History to switch between previously visited Menus
- QoL buttons such as Copy, Paste, Duplicate and Move
- Ability to add parameters to expression parameters from the editor
- Ability to quickly add a new SubMenu asset to SubMenu control
- Ability to set styling for the control such as Bold, Italic and Color
- Toggle Compact Mode through the window's options
- Warnings to make sure all parameters are valid.
- Dynamic, Clean and compact UI
- Sets View Position based on Eye bones
- Triggers "Auto-Detect" for lipsync
- Sets Eye bones and sets a few defaults for rotation states
- Automatically sets Eyelids type, Mesh and Blink if found
If you liked VRCSDK+, please consider supporting me ♡ or rating it on Gumroad
The source code was only recently uploaded. It previously was being built as a DLL with obfuscation which for a few reasons discouraged separating code into files. This made the code kind of disorganized. Apologies for that!
2019.4 以降